Hedgerows at ALBA (Agricultural Land-Based Association) in Salinas Valley

Short hedgerow shrubs and yarrow on a berm

Pots of shrubs and trees laid out for hedgerow in Central Valley

Same plants grown up into well-developed hedgerow, 6 years later, in Central Valley

Perennials (Yarrow, Penstemon, Aster, Hummingbird Sage, Gumplant) in Hedgerow

Annual flowers as hedgerow on Singing Frogs Farm

Young hedgerow on Strawberry farm

Same hedgerow, two years later

Good Place for a Hedgerow

New Hedgerow on the edge of a vineyard
Hedgerow sequence on T&D Willey Farms, Madera, CA:

Solarizing the beds in the Central Valley, to kill weed seeds

Newly planted hedgerow

Same hedgerow, one year later

Two years later
Food Safety Issues

Silt fence along hedgerow, for food safety
Factors to be considered before deciding on whether animals are a food safety concern:
- number of animals
- type of animals
- type of crop
- harvest procedure
- neighboring influences
- pathogen of concern
- additional processing
Monitor the crop, not the habitat planting.
Take action if crop damage or animal feces are observed.
Source: Wild Farm Alliance